Talk to Your Doctor About Pregnancy Fitness

If you are pregnant, you might have a lot of questions about the types of exercise you are allowed to perform. Exercise during pregnancy has several benefits. For example, exercise can help prevent back pains many pregnant women experience. It can also reduce cramps and swelling all over the body. You might even sleep better at night. Exercise may also diminish anxiety and help you maintain strength and confidence throughout your pregnancy. [Read More]

Why Ovarian Cysts Make Periods Worse

Being diagnosed with an ovarian cyst might be alarming at first, but ultimately, it's a benign condition that shouldn't pose a serious risk to your health. Even so, ovarian cysts can make periods for women much more painful than average. If you're wondering why this is and what options you have available to you, keep reading. What They Are Ovarian cysts are essentially small pouches of tissue that develop on or around the ovaries. [Read More]